
RElynx Saxony: Third lynx released into the wild - Alva has arrived in the Ore Mountains

Since Maundy Thursday, there are no longer two lynxes sneaking through Saxony's forests, but three: Alva the cat has been released near Eibenstock as part of the «RELynx Saxony» project.

© Archiv Naturschutz LfULG, Alexander Sommer© Archiv Naturschutz LfULG, Alexander Sommer

© Archiv Naturschutz LfULG, Alexander Sommer

Alva was caught in the Swiss Jura at the beginning of March. She spent the following three weeks in quarantine at the Bern Zoo, where she was examined and vaccinated. Alva is three years old, healthy and genetically suitable for establishing a new lynx population in Saxony.

The female lynx set off on her long journey on 28 March 2024 and arrived in the local forests in the early evening. She may have already looked around in her transport box for a suitable hiding place: As soon as the lattice was opened, the petite Alva nimbly disappeared between young spruce trees off to the side of the path.
