Policy Working Group

The policy working group serves as a «clearing house» linking different working levels, from field work, monitoring and research to regional and national administration, authorities and policy makers.  

© Tierpark Bern 

Compared to the management of wolves and bears lynx seems to be the easiest one of the European Larges Carnivores. Depredation on livestock is limited, and bold approaches towards people are very rare. However, due to low reproduction rates combined with limited colonization potential, lynx only disperse very slowly or not at all within Central Europe. Moreover, as a major roe deer hunter, lynx may be perceived as a competitor to human hunting.

Within Linking Lynx, the policy working group serves as a “clearing house” linking the different working levels, from field work, monitoring and research over regional and national administration, authorities and policy makers. The working group translates and summarizes technical guidelines and protocols for policy makers and seeks to adequately integrate them into policy processes. 

Vice versa the working group will strive to ensure that important policy developments find their way to the implementation level.
International and transnational organisations with high relevance to the conservation actions of Linking Lynx and with good leverage to promote and implement harmonised standards and protocols are e.g. International Union for the Conservation of Nature, Convention on Migratory Species, Bern Convention, and Carpathian Convention.  


Jochen Krebühl, Stiftung Natur und Umwelt Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany: jochen.krebuehl@snu.rlp.de

Manfred Wölfl, Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology, LCIE Germany: man.woelfl@gmx.de

© LIFE Lynx Project