Sourcing Working Group

The Sourcing Working Group aims to coordinate the use of lynx from different sources such as ex-situ bred lynx, wild captures or orphaned lynx for reintroduction and reinforcement projects.

© FVA, M.Strein

In order to achieve a demographically and genetically viable metapopulation of Carpathian lynx, further reintroductions and reinforcement of genetically impoverished populations are needed. Several reintroduction projects have started or are in the planning phase, creating a high demand for lynx needed for these projects.

In order to avoid over-exploitation of the wild source populations, cooperation between the in-situ projects and the ex-situ breeding program is crucial. The Sourcing Working Group aims to coordinate the demand from reintroduction and reinforcement projects with the supply of ex-situ bred lynx and the needs and capacities of the wild source populations. Orphaned lynx, who would be lost to the local lynx population without human intervention, can also play a role and be exchanged between populations to help increase  gene flow (assisted dispersal). It is important that reintroduction and reinforcement projects are not planned in isolation but that their importance for the metapopulation as a whole is considered from the beginning. Everybody needs to work together to ensure the success of the individual in-situ project as well as the achievement of the higher goal – a Carpathian lynx metapopulation spanning from the Carpathian mountains in the East to the Jura in the West.

In collaboration with other Linking Lynx working groups, the Sourcing Working Group strives to set up best practice standards for various aspects of reintroduction and reinforcement programmens such as capturing, transporting, breeding and translocating wild and ex-situ bred lynx. The groups also formulate recommendations for in-situ management of reintroduced populations.

Ex Situ Breeding Programme Orphaned Lynx Reintroduction Projects Sourced Lynx


Ex situ Breeding Programme:
Dina Gebhardt, Tierpark Bern, Switzerland:

Orphaned Lynx:
Dr. Kristina Vogt, Foundation KORA, Switzerland:

Wild Source Populations:
Dr. Jakub Kubala, Technical University of Zvolen, Slovakia:

© Laurent Geslin