Translocation Update

Lynx Anton is dead

A major setback for the lynx project «ReLynx Saxony».

© Archiv Naturschutz LfULG, R. Oehme© Archiv Naturschutz LfULG, R. Oehme

© Archiv Naturschutz LfULG, R. Oehme

Press release, State Office for the Environment, Agriculture and Geology, 08/11/2024:

Anton, a lynx male who was about a year and a half old, was found dead this morning (8 November 2020) near Schöneck in the Vogtland region. He was found in a field adjacent to the district road between Arnoldsgrün and Schilbach, about 20 metres from the road. According to the data and evidence, he collided with a truck during the night or in the morning and later succumbed to his injuries. The animal will be examined pathologically at the Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW) in Berlin.

Anton was released back into the wild in the Eibenstock forest district in the Westerzgebirge on 26 August. Until his transmission data went silent forever, he mainly stayed in the forests between Eibenstock and Schöneck. He was in the process of staking out his own territory, gaining increasing hunting experience and capturing his first deer at the end of October.

Lynx have very large home ranges and inevitably have to cross roads again and again. The dangers associated with this are difficult for wild animals to assess. That is why road accidents are one of the most common causes of death for lynx.
